Master Key Experience – Week 18

Photo by Alex Radelich on Unsplash

“I will live this day as if it is my last.”

~ Og Mandino, The Scroll Marked V from The Greatest Salesman in the World

A Polo conversation earlier this week planted a seed in my mind that has quickly taken root and grown, though not without rearranging the furniture a bit.

The topic was Faith, a Franklin virtue one of our Tribe was focused on for the week.

He encouraged us to recognize that faith is much more than a religious concept, but more an active endeavor. (Thanks, Robert!)

This message prompted another member to offer offer insight into this week’s reading of Week 18 and the daily sit. (Thank you, Jason!)

We were reminded that we should be pondering the logical basis for our faith, looking for evidence in our lives that points to the ability to bring every goal and desire into existence.

Past achievements and fulfilled goals, successful accomplishments and patterns that feed positive growth in our lives…

Belief that we can actually create the life of our dreams, and that we don’t have to live with anything we don’t want in our lives.

I kept going back to that message and listening to it, and the question “what exactly IS faith” kept popping up in my mind.

My mind went to Hebrews 11:1:

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, 
the evidence of things not seen."

But what does it mean?

I struggled with this because we tend to see faith as belief that something is true all the time. In fact, the definition says it’s having complete trust or confidence in someone or something.

We’re told to “act on faith.” To have “blind faith.” To take “leaps of faith…”

We have ‘faith’ that the sun will come up tomorrow…

That the lights will come on when we flick the switch…

That our car will start…

We have ‘faith’ in natural laws, but science shows us time and again that if conditions change, even natural laws can be upset.

These ‘faiths’ all rely on things to be in Goldilock’s preferred state… just right.

But can we trust that they always will be?

If we’ve learned anything from science, it’s that even the most fiercely held beliefs can by upended by new discoveries.

No, I believe THIS Faith transcends what society has taught us to think about ‘faith.’

Haanel has talked extensively about substance and mentions it again in MKE 18:28. He says:

“The Universal Mind is static Mind or Substance in equilibrium. It is differentiated into form by our power to think. Thought is the dynamic phase of the mind.”

Charles Haanel, The Mastery Key System

We think about what we want our lives to look like, what our Definite Major Purpose is, and faith has a role in this pursuit.

But it’s more than simply trust or confidence.

Faith is that unformed materialization of our desires. It is the combination of raw components brought together by our thoughts and assembled into the desires of our heart. That Substance Haanel talks about.

I imagine those molecules swarming about, waiting for our mental organization and actions to cause them to attract and connect and form up the physical (not in a strict sense) manifestation of our desire.

While it’s easy to have ‘faith’ that other people can do it, we’ve all done it before.

When we pursued something we wanted in our life, we have tapped this faith through the growth of an idea, then the action taken to pursue and prove out that idea, until finally the manifestation of that idea as it materialized.

SIDE NOTE: You probably don’t remember, but you learned 
to walk. That in itself is a demonstration of faith in 
action. You had an idea, you acted on the idea, and that 
action brought faith online that you would walk. The 
walking is proof, the manifestation of walking is the 
evidence of the faith that you would.

So it’s great to reflect on why we have faith, on logical proof that our faith is justified, but here’s the rub.

Faith only matters right now.

Because we only have right now.

Everything that happened a second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year ago?

It is all in the ether. It’s gone and there is nothing we can do to change it.

We can’t time travel! It’s another one of those Natural Laws that we must accept on faith (until those Sciency Dudes figure out a workaround! :-)).

And that’s what Og is telling us in Scroll V.

Forget the past. Forget the future. Live today as if it is your last day on Earth.

We have right now, this moment, and we must make the most of each available second to pursue our our purpose.

Action towards purpose activates faith, which is the substance that forms our desires.


Master Key Experience – Week 17HJ

The Hero’s Journey…

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

It has been a hard week. A carryover from last week…

As I mentioned in my last blog post, decisiveness was my chosen virtue, and as the week progressed, I found myself getting more and more agitated.

My decisiveness was flagging, and I wasn’t sure what the problem was stemming from.

Mark J. shed some light on it during the Sunday webinar when he spoke about the Hero’s Journey and reaching that threshold between Known and Unknown.

You’d think eighteen weeks into MKMMA and I’d be further along my hero’s journey…

And then I remind myself. Mark J has been living and breathing MKE for a long time. I’ve been at it for a few months, a stranger in a strange land.

I wish I could say the webby helped (okay, it did a little), but I felt like I was sitting in a seminar where the language was Russian.

Now I spent a full year learning the Russian language at the Army’s Defense Language Institute, and then received a minor in Russian at Kent State University.

Unfortunately, that doesn’t make me proficient!

When we adopted our youngest daughter from Ukraine, we were able to communicate with people in the markets of the town where we were staying, and they seemed genuinely happy that I was making the attempt.

But we couldn’t have accomplished our goal of adopting a child there without our translator.

So despite scribbling as fast as I could everything that Mark was saying and trying to make sense of it all, the tension and anxiety of overwhelm kept rising.

(And no, I haven’t had the opportunity to go back a re-listen to the webinar…)

But that’s just more cement that needs removed, right?

This week didn’t let up on the pressure.

Mark added a question to ask ourselves at the end of the webby:

“What am I pretending not to know?”

I’ve had the opportunity to mastermind with my Polo Tribe buddy, Bonnie, because like her, that question scared the crap out of me.

If I ponder the things I’m pretending not to know, that then requires I acknowledge them.

By acknowledging them, they now know…

That I know…

I’m pretending not to know…

When that happens, it’s like saying sic ‘em to a dog – – they’re on you.

I can’t simply ignore the elephant in the room anymore.

Now I have to own them and DO something.

Ugh, it was so much easier pretending they weren’t there.

And yet, these realizations are GOOD for us – – can only help us if we embrace them.

We stop playing small and begin living up to our greater purpose. We embrace the stretching that goes hand-in-hand with pushing out of the comfort zone.

So it was apropos that my virtue this week is COURAGE.

I’ve documented courage in the smallest and most mundane of acts, in large scale and important circumstances, but in myself, I still have this hint of playing it safe.

There have been interactions this week that have left me even more guarded, and yet, I have elected to be courageous and continue on because…

Just like Alfalfa told Spanky in one of the Little Rascals episodes, “I’m sorry Spanky, I have to live my own life.”

That doesn’t mean I’ve been fearless, it just means that I continue to push myself to stretch the zone a little further every day.


Master Key Experience – Week 17

Good, good, good, good vibrations…

Photo by Derek Story on Unsplash

OMG, what the heck is wrong with me?!

 "I'm late! I'm late! For a very important date!" 
                    ~ The White Rabbit, Alice in Wonderland

For the week where my chosen virtue is ‘decisiveness,’ I have been decidedly indecisive in selecting the focus for this week’s blog post!

Week 17’s lesson had at least three significant points I was interested in discussing…

  • The parallel between music and thought with regards to vibration
  • Concentration
  • How Society has disguised the ‘secret’ we know through MKE

Unfortunately, The eleventh hour has come and gone, so I’m posting this in hopes that I can redeem myself at a later date.

Perhaps my topics will find their ways into future posts, or they may fade away unrealized.

I will say I DID decide on a topic and have a draft in works — but it’s like catching a prize sport fish. This thing is fighting back and making me work for it!

That said, Week 17 has been one of my favorite lessons, and as I alluded to, chock full of lessons that need peeled away.


Master Key Experience – Week 16

Photo by Dan Meyers on Unsplash

What we feed grows, but what we neglect dies off.

We’ve been feeding the virtue of Kindness this week.

The smallest act can be a kindness, and every kindness stems from an ACTION.

There’s that word again – action. THE recurring theme throughout Haanel’s MKE, and quite appropriate.

Because nothing happens… until something moves.

The beauty of having us all focus on the same virtue, and making Kindness that virtue, has been an extraordinary demonstration of action.

Tons of evidence in the Alliances tab….

One of the tenets of MKMMA is the transmutation of our core dreams and desires into action so that we can realize those dreams.

We’ve heightened our observational skills to watch for instances of kindness and to look for ways we can extend kindnesses in our daily lives.

Here we have opportunities to both witness and experience kindness extended to others and ourselves.

But the more subtle benefit(?) is the recognition and celebration of our ACTION – performing kindnesses for others, without “expectation of reciprocity.”

We’re also actively (ACTION) observing kindness in the world and looking for MORE ways we can be kind to others.


If Mark and Davene aren’t members of Mensa, they should be — Brilliant!

They’ve taken the group and coalesced us into a hoard of Kindness seekers, cascading across the land looking for ways to DO something nice for someone else.

And we’ve been on the lookout for kindnesses others GIVE out (another ACTION) so we can acknowledge them.

Reminds me of the old cartoon “Puff The Magic Dragon.” Let me share it with you:

The magic is in you!

I’ve always loved Peter, Paul, and Mary’s original recording of the song, and this cartoon is a family favorite. I think you’ll find some parallels to our journey…

One of the overriding themes is that extending simple kindnesses can change entire worlds, and it’s so simple to do so.

There’s no need to complicate things — just DO something nice for someone else. You don’t even have to know (or like) them… What a concept!

To change the world, observe and act. That’s it.

The simple mandate to observe is extending into other buckets in my life. Realizing more every day the ONLY thing that has kept me stuck is ACTION on some basic activities.

This Virtues exercise has shown me that ACTION is easy to start, and easy to continue. Just K.I.S.S., and keep on keeping on.

All this from simply focusing on kindness.

The simplest, smallest kindness is an act of love, and yet LOVE is the main ingredient in realizing every one of your dreams. Love IS the Law of Attraction – give it and you shall receive it. (MKE 12.18)

I love you. Thank you for reading.


Master key, week 15, What we focus on grows

Watch the video in this post from Nina – truly inspiring!

My MasterKey Journal 2019


Franklin Makeover


Specialized Knowledge
Taking Initiative

See god in others

Pleasing Personality


I chose to stay focused and become aware of Persistence. Both in myself and when I see it in others. This is because I think this is one of my biggest challenges. I love starting new projects, going on new courses, meeting new people.

I think this has a lot to do with my upbringing, we moved a lot. Until I was 6 years old we lived at Askøy outside Bergen. Then we moved to Tonsberg where we lived until I was 11 years old. The next place we moved to was Stockholm, where I lived until I was 16 and then moved back to Norway. Only I moved to live with my older sister’s family. As an adult I kept moving often, for 10 years…

View original post 35 more words

Master Key Experience – Week 15

“What are words for?”


“… the first manifestation of thought — the vessels in which thought is carried.”

Haanel really hammers at this truth in MKE Week 15. From 15.12 to 15.23, we see the power of the words explained.

If our thoughts are of lack and fear, our words are the manifestation of those thoughts.

"I’m not good enough…”
"I’m not smart enough…”
"I’m not pretty/handsome enough…"

Bullocks! False words formed from inaccurate thoughts that don’t serve us.

You are enough. So am I. There, I said it.

Evidence abounds around us of the power of thoughts to words, words to actions, and actions to realization of dreams.

This truth is not new – it’s been taught in self-help books for decades (dare I say millennia — uh, Proverbs?).

But the books fall short in that there is no one to help you implement the lessons they teach.

You’re usually left on your own to create a support system that will nurture your self growth.

Even if a plan is laid out for you, discipline to follow something new takes a great deal of effort, even for for the most self-controlled person.

Enter MKMMA.

WE have Mark and the Fabulous Davene. We have our awesome guides. And we have our Polo Tribe!

Our membership and continued study in MKMMA are the manifestation of thoughts, then words spoken (form) so that the Universal could fulfill said thoughts (substance).

Mark had a dream.

He took that dream and proclaimed a movement.

He acted upon those words, and here we are today, you and I, learning the methods Mark used to manifest his dream.

This is proof that the Universal Mind is serving up all that we can imagine and proclaim, as long as we follow the simple steps.

We don’t have to have faith that they will work, but we do have to DO the steps as they are laid out. We understand that now.

But we DID have to take on faith that Mark’s promises were real.

Mark’s WORDS.

If you think about it for a second, our involvement here today IS the manifestation of thoughts Mark had years ago.

It was a low-risk proposition for all of us. Nothing to buy, no pressure except to plug in and do the work.

As we got deeper into it and began to see evidence of his promises, our thoughts began to change for the positive.

Our words became the manifestation of our thoughts.

We began to see movement on the dreams important to us as our words began to work on the Universal Mind.

And through MKMMA, we’re able to hear about and celebrate the successes of like-minded people. Evidence.

We’re going to hear from Jason Houser on the weekly webinar, and I’ve been lucky enough to be the same Polo Tribe as Jason.

If you’re not excited to hear from Jason yet, just wait!

He’s the real deal, and the accolades Mark has been hinting towards are 100% legit.

Jason is the embodiment of MKE Week 15. He is consistently demonstrating the use of words and proper language in his life to create the life he desires.

When he sends a Polo (multiple times a day), he speaks what he intends, how he expects life to be for him in that moment and in the future.

I believe in part that the Universe has manifested examples like Jason for the rest of us who have taken on faith that MKE works.

We’ve weathered the doubts and stayed with it for 15 weeks. We’ve witnessed amazing and sometimes unbelievable serendipities showing up in our lives.

Mark and Davene believed it and have created a life they love. Jason took up the Master Key experience and continues to transform his life.

And they are helping us manifest the lives we want — by manifesting the lives they want and sharing their wisdom.

With all our smarts, who’d a thunk the first step to everything we want in life is as ‘simple’ as getting our thoughts right?


Master Key Experience – Week 14

Three, Is a Magic Number…

Photo by Francesco Ungaro on Unsplash

The word Harmony has a special meaning to me as a musician, specifically a guitarist.

I love chords, the harmonic side of music.

Harmony defined by Webster is “agreement,” at least in the context that Haanel is suggesting in Week 14.

Which ties in nicely to the musical aspect of Harmony and chords. The ‘agreement’ of musical notes to create a pleasing sound.

This came to me during a sit this week, concentrating on Harmony.

A chord (or triad) is three or more notes played in unison to create a sound.

Three notes, played together. Three notes that are harmonious with each other.

Each note in a scale has its own name, and for the most basic chord, the major triad, the scale notes are the Tonic, Major Third and Perfect Fifth notes.

What’s interesting is, each note provides a unique quality to the chord that results in its harmony.

These unique qualities can be compared to the triangle of the Universal Mind, the Subconscious and our own Consciousness.

  • Tonic = Universal Mind
  • Major Third = Conscious
  • Perfect Fifth = Subconscious

The primary note in a chord is the tonic. It is the root of the chord and what determines its centered pitch – it is the primary frequency of the chord.

Then we have the perfect fifth note, which strengthens the tonic.

Finally, we have the major third. This provides the coloring of the chord, the individuality, the emotional driver of the chord. This is the note that makes the chord happy or sad, melancholy or hopeful.

Equating it to our striving for Harmony with the Universal, the Universal is the the tonic note. It’s the root and the provider for all substance.

The Subconscious is the perfect fifth note – a conduit and strengthener. It is the connector to the Universal.

Finally, the major third note is Us – our Consciousness. It is our individuality, what we use to make our request of the Universal and how we individually color the World without.

Our Consciousness directs what will happen with the sound of our life – what we get out of it.

It’s up to us to determine what we want and set the wheels in motion. The subconscious runs with it, taking what we want to the Universal, which then supports and builds it out.

Anytime I think about the power of three, I immediately think of the Schoolhouse Rock cartoons from the 1970s.

Remember this one?

Three Is a Magic Number

In my mind, this all comes together like all the other trilogies.

For example, Haanel gives us three powerful forces working in harmony within the Universal Substance:

  • The Omnipresent
  • The Omnipotent
  • The Omniscient

The United States Declaration of Independence lists our three inalienable rights:

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

A core tenet of the Christian Faith is the Holy Trinity:

Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

And now my little take on the power of three as it pertains to music.

We gain Harmony by being in agreement. And as Haanel aptly put, Harmony comes when we develop the proper mental attitude.

Don’t die with your music still in you!


Master Key Experience – Week 13

Resistance is futile…

Featured Image: Paramount Pictures

In our Polo discussions, some of my group weighed in and said Week 13 is a tough read – at least the first two pages.

On my first read, I agreed with what folks were saying.

What Haanel was trying to relay seemed muddied to me – probably because when he wrote it, more attention was paid to the meaning of words, instead of how to simplify the text to a fifth grade level.

But on the second read, I experienced some mental clarity that seemed to open the chapter up to me, and I saw it. I got a glimpse of its depth, and it was profound.

On Christmas Day, it seemed my clarity had left me, but by Thursday, the clouds lifted and I was moved by the message he was revealing.

Let’s see if I can convey what it means to me…

Generally speaking, humans tend to deify the ones that achieve what appears to be extraordinary goals in life. These specimens seem to display an almost superhuman ability to succeed:

  • Business leaders
  • Professional Athletes
  • Chart topping musicians
  • Bestselling authors

They appear to have all the trappings of prosperity and the accolades we desire…

They are the outliers, the 1%, the ones to emulate.

But the only difference between us and them is the mental connection they have to their dream.

They have a singleness of purpose, they devote the mental and physical energy to pursuing that purpose and they don’t let anything stand in the way of getting it.

They possess the mental attitude that what they seek is already within their grasp; they see the success in their mind’s eye, and better still, they see themselves IN that success.

That’s the difference…

They were gifted with a clarity and ability to ramp up their effort, attention, and focus to 212 degrees, and then maintain it until all obstacles fell away and the goal was in hand.

So they are held up as the epitome – what we should aspire to.

But the scientific method of induction tells us to generalize the outliers in order to explain the principles that apply to all.

In other words, “if they can do it, so can I!”

That brings us back to the fact that “I” am a part of the whole. The Universal Consciousness.

When I read 13.27, the first thought that came to mind was…

Are we all part of the Borg Collective?

… when you really come into a realization of the fact that you (not your body, but the Ego), the “I,” the spirit which thinks is an integral part of the great whole, that it is the same in substance, in quality, in kind, that the Creator could create nothing different from Himself, you will also be able to say, “The Father and I are one” and you will come into an understanding of the beauty, the grandeur, the transcendental opportunities which have been placed at your disposal.

I wonder if Maurice Hurley (screenwriter) read Haanel before conceiving The Borg in Star Trek.

He took a dark road of the idea that we are all part of one consciousness, but thankfully what we are learning isn’t a ‘hive-mind’ as the Borg utilized, but we do derive our consciousness from the Universal Consciousness.

How do I know?

It’s right there in 13.18. Ultimately, we all seek the same thing – Happiness and Harmony.

Regardless of what your bliss happens to be, or your goals and aspirations.

What you are really seeking is a contentment that can only come from fulfilling your purpose in life. That is the goal of the Universal Consciousness as well.

Unlike the Borg, we are gears, but not inconsequential gears in an organic machine, always changing.

No, every one of us has an individual, vital role, and when we are broken or not in alignment with our DMP, we hold ourselves and the machine back from the greater good.

From Happiness and Harmony.

We are all one with the Universal Consciousness, the Omniscient. And what is the ultimate aim of the Omniscient?


To manifest more life is to strive for Happiness.

What is happiness for individuals?

When they are doing the thing that gives them the most joy, that which causes them to really LIVE.

By feeling happy and content, it creates the proper consciousness, the proper thoughts going out to the Omniscient.

It is this alignment that then makes it possible for the Universe to begin working on your behalf, sending more of like kind to you in the way IT sees fit.

The Universe solves the puzzle of how to manifest the desires that make you happy.

But you must send the desires out through directed thought and action.

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